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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Electricity. Afficher tous les articles

vendredi 27 juillet 2012

Electronic - Electricity الكترونيك و كهرباء

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 (To be continued)


12- Estimating the Costs and Benefits of the Smart Grid

   File size: 5.3 MB / 2011 Technical Report

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11- Scientific Computing: An Introductory Survey
    442 pages    1.63 MB


10- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics

   A slightly extended version of T.R. Kuphaldt's book offering a basic introduction to electrical engineering and electronics.
about 700 pages with approx. 2500 figures.    23.1 MB               CHM- (Engl.)

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9- Electrical Engineering
  This edition of the eBook "Electrical Engineering" is based on the printed copy of E.E. Kimberly's "Electrical Engineering" published in 1951. It provides a clear discussion of basic principles of electrical engineering.
about 400 pages with approx. 450 figures.   12.5 MB                     CHM- (Engl.)

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8- Radio Antenna Engineering:
   This eBook is based on the printed copy of E.A. Laport's "Radio Antenna Engineering" published in 1952. It book covers the physics and electrical engineering of radio antennas in a concise and easy to understand way.
About 560 pages with approx. 750 figures.      26.4 MB               CHM- (Engl.)


7-Basic Audio:

 This edition of the eBook "Basic Audio" is based on the printed copy of N.H. Crowhurst's three volume set "Basic Audio" published in 1959. This excellent piece of work provides deep insights into basic audio physics and electronics. about 230 pages with approx. 450 figures.     9.6 MB         CHM- (Engl.)


6-Capacitors, Magnetic Circuits, and Transformers:
   This eBook is based on the printed copy of Leander W. Matsch's book, which provides a thorough discussion of the physics of these fundamental electrical devices. about 170 pages with approx. 250 figures.
7.6 MB         CHM- (Engl.)


5-Basic Radio

   This edition of the eBook "Basic Radio" is based on the printed copy of J.B. Hoag's "Basic Radio" published in 1942. Although the topics covered in this book may seem to be outdated we included it into the VIAS ebook collection simply for its clear discussion of basic principles. about 300 pages with approx. 470 figures.   4.4  MB         CHM- (Engl.)


4- Electrical Communication

   This edition of the eBook "Electrical Communication" is based on the printed copy of the book "Electrical Communication" by A.L. Albert published in 1950. It mainly deals with telephone and telegraph communications. about 450 pages with approx. 500 figures. 18.3 MB         CHM- (Engl.)

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3- Electronic Transformers:

   This edition of the eBook "Electronic Transformers" is based on the printed copy of Reuben Lee's "Electronic Transformers and Circuits" published in 1955. Although the topics covered in this book may seem to be outdated we included it into the VIAS ebook collection simply for its clear discussion of electronic transformers and related matters. about 200 pages with approx. 400 figures.
 6.3 MB         CHM- (Engl.)

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2-Transistor Basics

     This eBook is based on the printed copy of L.M. Krugmans's "Fundamentals of Transistors" published in 1954. Although this book deals mostly with germanium transistors, the electronics remain the same. The book has been added to the VIAS ebook collection for its clear discussion of basic principles. about 140 pages with approx. 120 figures

 2.4  MB         CHM- (Engl.)

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1- Wireless Networking in the Developing World 

   Is a practical guide to planning and building low-cost     telecommunications infrastructure. This book was created by a team of individuals who each, in their own field, are actively participating in the ever-expanding Internet. All in all it is an excellent introduction to wireless networks covering all major topics from a basic introduction to the building of outdoor nodes. about 140 pages with approx. 100 figures. 3.0 MB         CHM- (Engl.)

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1- Angewandte Mikroelektronik:

      This German eBook on microelectronics gives a good introduction to the basics of digital and analog circuits. It covers all topics from tools and electronic components to digital and analog building blocks, to microprocessors and their programming. Several printed circuit boards are offered to conduct the many experiments described in the book. 320 pages, about 220 figures.  2.5 MB         CHM- (Germ.)






2- Principes d'électrotechnique Cours et exercices corrigés

Par Max Marty; Daniel Dixneuf

Dunod (18/08/2005) | ISBN: 2100485504 | 667 pages | PDF | 9.7 MB


      Ce livre présente ce qu'un étudiant doit connaître sur le fonctionnement et l'évolution des moteurs et générateurs (machines). Il est composé de quatre parties, bases physiques d'électromagnétisme, machines synchrones, machines asynchrones l'induction et machines à courant continu, et d'une synthèse. Ce cours se distingue par son approche pédagogique, avec pour chaque chapitre des objectifs, un glossaire, des encadrés sur les applications de l'électrotechnique dans la vie de tous les jours et des points historiques, des exemples d'application résolus des points clés, des définitions et des résultats sous forme de schémas, une auto-évaluation, des questions susceptibles d'être posées lors d'un entretien, des exercices et problèmes de difficulté croissante. Par son exhaustivité, par l'approche pédagogique et la richesse de son cours, le choix de ses exercices corrigés, cet ouvrage constitue l'ouvrage de référence dans la discipline. - Project Management Fundamentals



  - Project Management Fundamentals  







اساسيات الكهرباء والالكترونيات -6


‫5- الرسم الفني الكهربائي.pdf


4-كهرباء_ورشة التمديدات الكهربائية.pdf


3- كهرباء_ورشة اللوحات الكهربائية .pdf


2- كهرباء _ الحماية الكهربائية.pdf


1- كتاب تركيبات صحية وكهربائية

تحميل الملف
