

vendredi 27 juillet 2012

Physics --Physique--فــيزياء

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10- Modern Physics - Serway, Moses, Moyer, 3 rd
Third Edition (9.7 MB) - Project Management Fundamentals




9- Concepts of Modern Physics -Arthur Beiser - Project Management Fundamentals


8- Applied Physics, 10th

Applied Physics, 10 edition By Dale Ewen, Neill Schurter, Erik Gundersen
2011 | 768 Pages | ISBN: 0136116337 | PDF | 30.4 MB

APPLIED PHYSICS, 10/e is a highly successful textbook presenting clear, to-the-point topical coverage of basic physics applied to industrial and technical fields. A wealth of real-world applications motivate readers by teaching physics concepts in context. 


Detailed, well-illustrated examples support reader understanding of skills and concepts.
Extensive problem sets assist reader learning by providing ample opportunity for practice.
Physics Connections relate the text material to everyday life experiences.
Applied Concepts problems foster critical thinking.
Try This Activity involve demonstrations or mini-activities that can be performed by readers to experience a physics concept.
Biographical sketches of important scientists connect ideas with real people.
Unique Problem-Solving Method
This textbook teaches readers to use a proven, effective problem-solving methodology.

The consistent use of this special problem-solving method trains readers to make a sketch, identify the data elements, select the appropriate equation, solve for the unknown quantity, and substitute the data in the working equation. An icon that outlines the method is placed in the margin of most problem sets as a reminder to readers. - Project Management Fundamentals





7- University-Physics-13th Young-and-Freedman

pages : 1598
Edition : 2012
Langue : Anglais - Project Management Fundamentals


6- College_Physics_9th Young_Sears_Zemansky

pages : 1151
Edition : 2012

5- Physics_Conceptual_World_View_7th Kirkpatrick

pages : 691
Edition : 2010
Langue : Anglais


4- College Physics 9th  Serway Vuille

pages : 1152
Edition : 2012
Langue : Anglais

3- Physics Scientists Engineers 6th Tipler Mosca

 pages : 1583
Edition : 2008
Langue : Anglais - Project Management Fundamentals


2- Conceptual Physical Science -5th Hewitt

pages : 889
Edition : 2012
Langue : Anglais

1- Introduction Physical Science 12th  Shipman

 pages : 792
Edition : 2009
Langue : Anglais - Project Management Fundamentals


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